Our honorable CEO, Ms.Yoriko Ueda had joined as a session speaker at “Innovative Teaching & Learning Expo” at the Daffodil University on 25th August 2017.

In that session she presented her two creative and innovative teaching and learning ideas; Podokkhep- Digital Classroom Platform for class 8-12 students. There she spoke about how classes can be toke in more effective and efficient ways by utilizing the power of technologies and Podokkhep is the solution to it. http://podokkhep.com/
And Campusbd.net- University search & comparison website for HSC students in Bangladesh both in public and private university where they can find out and admit themselves for higher education in one platform. http://campusbd.net/university/

Also, our stall at the venue was visited by a huge number of students who had an interest in both CampusBD.net and PODOKKHEP.
Thank you to all participants!