"University Expo 2017" was successfully held in Kushtia Government College, Kushtia on 18 and 19th November Organized by Venturas Limited and CampusBD.net
This 2 days day-long program was organized for the first time in district level of Bangladesh only for H.S.C graduates and class 11 and 12 as well. 13 private universities from Dhaka city along with foreign universities i.e; Malaysia, China, Japan participated in this Expo. Closely 5000 college students came to visit the venue, Kushtia Government College. Because of this Expo, some students succeeded to find their DREAM varsity from those stalls and decided their mind to enroll in their best match varsity.

Venturas Limited and CampusBd.net is very much proud and happy for arranging such a successful Expo in Kushtia. We’re going to announce the next location of Expo very soon!!
News Source: http://bit.ly/2mT0PiY